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born in São Paulo, Brazil

currently at Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology 

159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY, USA 14850

Academic Appointments

2024current |  Assistant Curator of Ornithology, Florida Museum of Natural History

2022current | Associate Researcher, Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo

2022–2023  | Edward Rose Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University

2022–2024  | Visiting Scholar, Simoes-Costa Lab, Harvard Medical School


2015–2022    | PhD, Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University

2011–2013    | Master of Science, Zoology, University of São Paulo

2007–2010    | Bachelor’s degree, Biological Sciences, University of São Paulo

2007–2010    | Bachelor's degree, Science Education, University of São Paulo


2024  | Rego MA, Del-Rio G, Brumfield RT. 2024. Subspecies-level distribution maps for birds of the Amazon basin and adjacent areas. Journal of Biogeography. 51(1), p.14-28. doi:


2024  | Capurucho JMG, Musher LJ, Lees A, Rego MA, Del-Rio G, Aleixo A, Luzuriaga-Aveiga VE, Ferreira M, Ribas CC, Thom G. Amazonian avian biogeography: Broadscale patterns, microevolutionary processes, and habitat-specific models revealed by multidisciplinary approachesOrnithology. 141(1), ukad051. doi:


2023  | Musher LJ, Del-Rio G, Marcondes RS, Brumfield RT, Bravo GA, Thom G. Geogenomic Predictors of Gene tree Heterogeneity Explain Phylogeographic and Introgression History: A Case Study in an Amazonian Bird (Thamnophilus aethiops). Systematic Biology. syad061. doi:


2022  |    Del-Rio G, Rego MA, Whitney BM, Schunck F, Silveira LF, Faircloth BC, Brumfield RT. Displaced clines in an avian hybrid zone (Thamnophilidae: Rhegmatorhina) within an Amazonian interfluveEvolution. 76(3), p. 455-475


2022  |    Musher LJ, Giakoumis M, Albert J, Del-Rio G, Rego M, Thom G, Aleixo A, Ribas C, Brumfield RT, Smith BT, Cracraft J. River network rearrangements promote speciation in lowland Amazonian birds. Science Advances. 8(14) doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abn1099.


2021  |    Del-Rio G, Mutchler MJ, Costa B, Hiller AE, Lima G, Matinata B, Salter JF, Silveira LF, Rego MA, Schmitt D. Birds of the Juruá River: extensive várzea forest as a barrier to terra firme birds.  Journal of Ornithology. 162, p. 565–577


2021  |    Slobodian V, Soares KDA, Falaschi RL, Prado LR, Camelier P, Guedes TB, Leal LC, Hsiou AS, Del-Rio G, Costa ER, Pereira KRC, D’Angiolella ABD, Sousa AS, Diele-Viegas LM. Why we shouldn’t blame women for gender disparity in academia: perspectives of women in zoologyZoologia. 38, p. 1-9


2020  |    Feng S, Stiller J, […], Del-Rio G et al. Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature. 587, p. 252-257


2017  |    Del-Rio G, Rego MA, Silveira LF, Itoh A. Plant Invasion: another threat to the São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Formicivora paludicola), a species on the verge of extinction. PloSOne. 12(12), p. e0189465


2017  |    Tonnetti V, Bocalini F, Silveira LF, Del-Rio GTaxonomy and systematics of the Yellow-green Grosbeak Caryothraustes canadensis (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae). Brazilian Journal of Ornithology. 25(3), p. 176-189


2017  |    Del-Rio G. Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil the Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil, including São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (book review). Journal of Field Ornithology. 88(1), p. 94-  95


2017  |    Costa TVV, Piacentini VQ, Oliveira DMM, Schunck F, Whitney BM, Rego MA, Rubio TC, Oliveira F, Freitas B, Del-Rio G, Seeholzer GF, Harvey MG, Terrill RS, Correa AG, Arantes F, Silveira LF. New records of the enigmatic Clytoctantes atrogularis (Thamnophilidae) in Amazonian Brazil, with remarks on plumage, natural history, and distribution. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 129(1), p. 1-12


2016  |    Del-Rio G, Silveira LF. Remarks on the Natural History of São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Formicivora paludicola)Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128 (2), p. 445-448


2015  |    Del-Rio G, Rego MA, Silveira LF. A multiscale approach indicates a severe reduction in Atlantic Forest wetlands and highlights that São Paulo Marsh Antwren is on the brink of extinctionPloSOne. 10, p. e0121315


2015  |   De Camargo C, Gibbs HL, Costa MC, Del-Rio G, Silveira LF, Wasko AP, Francisco MR. Marshes as mountain tops: genetic analyses of the Critically Endangered São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Aves: Thamnophilidae). PloSOne.10(10), p. e0140145


2015  |   De Camargo C, Costa MC, Del-Rio G, Gibbs HL, Glenn TC, Bagal U, Silveira LF, Wasko AP, Francisco MR. Novel and cross-amplified microsatellite loci for the critically endangered São Paulo Marsh Antwren Formicivora paludicola (Aves: Thamnophilidae)Conservation Genetics Resource. 7, p. 129


2015  |    Cavarzere V, Del-Rio G, Schunck F, Piacentini VQ, Rego MA, Somenzari M, Silveira LF. Wintering Sporophila seedeaters in an Amazonian Cerrado ecotone in central BrazilCotinga. 37, p. 57


2014  |    Rego MA, Del-Rio G, Silveira LF. A taxonomic review of Picumnus exilis (Aves: Picidae) reveals an underestimation of Piculet species diversity in South AmericaJournal of Ornithology. 155, p. 853-867


2014  |   Marcondes RS, Del-Rio G, Rego MA, Silveira LF.Geographic and seasonal distribution of a little known Brazilian endemic rail inferred from occurrence records and ecological niche modelingWilson Journal of Ornithology.126, p. 663-672


2013  |   Del-Rio G, Silveira LF, Cavarzere V, Rego MA. A taxonomic review of the Golden-green Woodpecker, Piculus chrysochloros (Aves: Picidae) reveals the existence of six valid taxaZootaxa. 3626, p. 531-542



Honors and Awards

2023 | American Ornithological Society James G. Cooper Early Professional Award 


2022 | Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship


2021 | SEC Emerging Scholar Program


2021 | Wilson Ornithological Society, Jed Burtt Undergraduate Mentoring Grant 


2020 | American Ornithological Society Award best oral presentation


2019 | Wilson Ornithological Society Graduate Student Research Award


2019 | LSU T. Vinton Holmes Ornithology Award 


2019 | American Ornithological Society Travel Award


2018 | LSU Museum of Natural Science Outstanding Graduate Student


2018 | Society of Systematic Biologists Graduate Student Research Award


2018 | Brazilian Ornithology Meeting best oral presentation


2018 | Sir Charles Blois Explorer Award by the Scientific Exploration Society 


2018 | American Museum of Natural History Chapman Memorial Fund Grant 


2016 | American Association of University Women, International Student Fellowship 


2016 | LSU Alumni Association International Student Scholarship 


2015 | Science Without Borders Fellowship PhD 


2014 | Cooper Ornithological Society Mewaldt-King Student Research Award 


2012 | São Paulo Research Foundation Fellowship (FAPESP) master’s degree 


2012 | Brazilian Ornithology Meeting best oral presentation graduate student


2011 | Brazilian Ornithology Meeting best oral presentation undergraduate student


2009 | São Paulo Research Foundation Fellowship (FAPESP) undergraduate research

Field Work

2019 | LSU Emilie Snethlage Women Expedition, Amazonas Brazil 35 days – expedition leader


2018 | LSU Collecting Expedition, Manicoré, Amazonas, Brazil 40 days


2017 | LSU Collecting Expedition, Apuí, Amazonas, Brazil 22 days – expedition leader 


2016 | LSU Collecting Expedition, Colniza, Mato Grosso, Brazil 40 days – expedition leader


2015 | INPA Bird banding workshop, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil 7 days


2014 | MZUSP Bird banding, monitoring and collecting, Abunã, Rondônia, Brazil 30 days


2014 | Bird monitoring, São Simão, Goiás, Brazil 20 days


2014 | MZUSP Collecting Expedition, Santana do Araguaia, Pará, Brazil 30 days – expedition leader


2013 | LSU Collecting Expedition, Sucunduri, Amazonas, Brazil 30 days


2012 | MZUSP Collecting Expedition, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil 10 days


2012 | MZUSP Bird banding, monitoring and collecting, Abunã, Rondônia, Brazil 30 days


2012 | LSU Collecting Expedition, Sucunduri, Amazonas, Brazil 30 days


2012 | Bird monitoring “Ecology of Formicivora paludicola  project” ~260 days – expedition leader


2011 | Bird monitoring and banding, Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil 15 days


2011 | MZUSP Bird banding, monitoring and collecting, Abunã, Rondônia, Brazil 30 days


2011 | Fauna Forever banding workshop, Puerto Maldonado, Peru 15 days


2010 | MZUSP Collecting Expedition, Matina, Bahia, Brazil 20 days


2010 | Field volunteer at project “Breeding Biology of Lear’s Macaw”, Bahia, Brazil 30 days


2010 | MZUSP Bird banding, monitoring and collecting, Abunã, Rondônia, Brazil 30 days


2010 | MZUSP Collecting Expedition, Santana do Araguaia, Pará, Brazil 30 days


2009 | MZUSP Collecting Expedition, Santana do Araguaia, Pará, Brazil 30 days

Teaching Experience

20192022 | Teaching assistantship, Biology Laboratory for Science Majors, Louisiana State University


20192019 | Invited lecturer, Evolution, Louisiana State University


2018–2018 | Invited lecturer at Genomics workshop, Brazilian Ornithology Meeting


2015–2015 | Invited lecturer, Genetics, Louisiana State University


20152016 | Teaching assistantship, Genetics, Louisiana State University


2015–2015 | Invited instructor, IV INPA Bird Banding Workshop


20142015 | Teaching assistantship, R Language for Statistics, University of São Paulo


2014–2014 | Invited lecturer, Ornithology, University of São Paulo


20132014 | Teaching assistantship, Ornithology, University of São Paulo

Laboratory, Computational and Curatorial Experience

2019–2021 | Curatorial assistantship at LSU Museum of Natural Science Genetic resources collection


2015–2021 | Preparation of genomic libraries whole-genome resequencing, UCEs, RADseq 


2015–2021 | Preparation of bird scientific specimens taxidermized ~600 birds


2012–2021 | Bioinformatics: R, Python, command line bwa, bedtools, GATK, plink, Phyluce, STACKS


2009–2014 | Curatorial assistantship at Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo  Bird and genetic resources collections

Mentoring Experience

2024-current | Raphael Sabongi Lucio Marcelino  Ph.D. Biology at the University of Florida

Phylogenomics of Piciformes and genomic basis of bill shape in birds


2024-current | Preston Bertka-Ballard  B.S. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida

Genomics of the hybrid zone between Red-eyed and White-eyed Eastern Towhee

2022-current | Ryan Zucker  B.S. Biological Sciences at Cornell University

Vocal variation and phylogenetic relationships in the genus Rhegmatorhina

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Undergraduate Research Grant


2022-current | Huy Truong  B.S. Biological Sciences at Cornell University 

Systematics and taxonomy of Vireolanius leucotis

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Undergraduate Research Grant


2019–2021 | Marquette Mutchler – B.S. Biological Sciences at Louisiana State University

Vocal variation and phylogeography of Myrmoborus myotherinus

Wilson Ornithological Society, Jed Burtt Undergraduate Mentoring Grant


2017–2019 | Ashley Schoonmaker – B.S. Computer Science and B.S. Biological Sciences at Louisiana State University

Plumage variation and phylogenetics of the genus Myrmoborus


20172018 | Layse Albuquerque and Daniele Mariz – Visiting students at Louisiana State University

Ultraconserved elements for the study of population genetics in caatinga birds

Journal Reviewer

Nature Communications, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Systematic Biology, Evolution, Journal of Heredity, Ornithology, Wilson Journal of Ornithology, Journal of Field Ornithology, Brazilian Journal of Ornithology, Tropical Conservation Science, Check List the journal of biodiversity data, Bird Conservation International, Biota Neotropical

Conferences and Presentations

2021 | Congresso Latino Americano de Evolución oral presentation (symposium)


2021 | American Ornithological Society oral presentation (symposium)


2021 | Brazilian Ornithological Meeting invited keynote speaker


2021 | Society for the Study of Evolution Meeting


2020 | North American Ornithological Conference oral presentation (best presentation award)


2019 | American Ornithological Society Meeting oral presentation


2018 | 25th Brazilian Ornithological Congress oral presentation (best presentation award)


2015 | 10th Neotropical Ornithological Congress oral presentation


2015 | Society for the Study of Evolution Meeting 


2014 | 21st Brazilian Ornithological Congress oral presentation


2012 | 19th Brazilian Ornithological Congress oral presentation (best presentation award)


2011 | 18th Brazilian Ornithological Congress oral presentation (best presentation award)


2011 | 9th Neotropical Ornithological Congress oral presentation


2010 | 25th International Ornithological Congress


2009 | 17th Brazilian Ornithological Congress

Outreach and Seminars

2022 | American Museum of Natural History Seminar Series


2022 | SUNY Cortland, NSF LSAMP Seminar Series


​2022 | Cornell University, Ornithology Seminar Series


2021 | LSU College of Science, Science and Spirits event, showcase museum activities for donors


2021 | West Chester Bird Club, talk about the Emilie Snethlage Expedition


2021 | Avistar Brazil, Women in Science and a tribute to Emilie Snethlage round table


2021 | Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, talk about the Emilie Snethlage Expedition


2021 | UFBA Symposium of Neotropical Zoology 


2020 | Federal University of Pernambuco, talk at Seminar Series, the Rhegmatorhina hybrid zone


2020 | Federal University of Ceará, talk at Seminar Series, the Rhegmatorhina hybrid zone


2019 | LSU Museum of Natural Science Night at the Museum


2019 | LSU Museum of Natural Science Girls in STEM event


2019 | Avistar Brazil, talk about Emilie Snethlage Expedition


2018 | LSU Museum of Natural Science 6th graders and Science


2018 | LSU Museum of Natural Science Night at the Museum


2017 | LSU Museum of Natural Science Special Saturday


2016 | LSU Museum of Natural Science Special Saturday


2015 | LSU Geaux Science, event to get undergraduate students interested in Science Majors


2015 | Butanta Bird Observatory, talk about the Woodpeckers family


2015 | Avistar Manaus, talk about predictive morphology in birds


2014 | Avistar Brazil, talk about the São Paulo Marsh Antwren


2013 | Avistar Brazil, talk about the Puffbirds family


2012 | Museum of Zoology of University of São Paulo, talk at Seminar Series, Urban Birds


2012 | Avistar Brazil, talk about the Woodpeckers family


2010 | Organization of the Biological Sciences Meeting, University of São Paulo


20172023 | American Ornithological Society


20182019 | Society of Scientific Exploration


20162020 | American Genetic Association


20162021 | Society of Systematic Biologists


20152022 | Society for the Study of Evolution


20152018 | American Association of University Women


20142021 | Wilson Ornithological Society


20102019 | Brazilian Ornithological Society 



2022 | IACUC Introduction to the Care and Use of Animals for Research, Teaching, and Testing


2022 | Cornell University, It Depends on the Lens: implicit bias in faculty search committees


2021 | Interactive High Performance Computers via the web, Louisiana State University


2021 | SEC Emerging Scholars Program 


2020 | High Performance Computers II, Louisiana State University


2018 | High Performance Computers, Louisiana State University


2019 | SLIM workshop, population genetics simulation, Cornell University


2015 | Bird banding, molting and ageing, INPA


2013 | Ecological Niche Modeling, IPE, Institute of Ecological Research


2012 | R language and computation for Biologists, University of São Paulo


2011 | Bird banding, molting and ageing, CORBID


2011 | Bird survival and breeding success in the field, Brazilian Ornithological Society


2010 | Bioacoustics for Ornithology, Brazilian Ornithological Society




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